I am Guilty
I started my Qualitist innings in 1987. At that time, Quality was not a priority for any organization. Each of them focused on Quarter-to-Quarter financial results.
Quality entered the top management agenda of my clients, when I started speaking the language of Things and Money. As for example: The cost of chronic waste in any organization is one-third of total costs. We refer to these costs as Cost Of Poor Quality (COPQ).
Over the years Qimpro has saved its clients, in excess of, US $ 3 billion in terms of COPQ, by reducing the chronic waste legitimized in processes. We also encouraged minimizing material consumption.
Sadly, our clients continued to generate emissions from operations, increasing the risk to lives of employees, society, and humanity.
I am guilty. Pollution was never accounted for in COPQ!
Pollution does not require a passport or visa. Particularly air pollution and water pollution. All organizations share their pollution generously. All nations also share their pollution generously.
Today, we experience the collective aggressive symptomatic evidence of our failures to contain pollution. Poverty is visible. Natural resources are getting depleted. Forests are vanishing. Further, we are hammered with a mysterious Global Climate Change.
Had I been a Green Qualitist from 1987, perhaps I would not feel as guilty as I do now.
As a first corrective step, I wish to propose that all Green Qualitists proactively address air pollution in their Quality agenda. We can make the air safer for humanity.
Quality and Sustainability need to be integrated and viewed holistically. Role of Quality professionals evolving to ensure no compromise on sustainability while achieving quality targets whatever.
Legends are never satisfied
May I suggest you add AIR, and WATER and SOLLID WASTE as the 3 vectors
I must refer a family conversation to understand
our responsibility which we have lost sight of . As a grand father nearing his 70s of one 6 year old grandson we were having having a casual famiy conersation with my son and daughter -in- law in Europe about giving a sister or brother to him . Their response really stunned me and that set me thinking of how irresponsible our generation has been regarding the plunder of our envionrment .They said “Dad we have to be careful about our carbon foot prints on this earth .We have already overburdened our Earth through over population which is creating an existential crisis..”I have understood this not as an intellectual framework but ourtesponsible behaviour to a green and sustainable society.. I leave this thought to you for reflect on !!!!
Warm regards
The culpability is shared by us all collectively. You are a pioneer.
Climate change is real…Air pollution must be addressed proactively