Suresh Lulla, a Distinguished Alumnus of IIT Bombay, has made a mark through his work in the fields of Quality Management and Organizational Excellence.
Mr Lulla was mentored by Dr J M Juran, ‘the Father of Quality’, who, along with Mahatma Gandhi and Shri Ramkrishna Bajaj form the trinity of Mr Lulla’s role models — he jokes that one thing he has in common with his role models is a bald head!
In 1987, Mr Lulla established India’s first dedicated Quality Management consulting firm, Qimpro Consultants. Since inception, Qimpro’s clients have collectively saved over INR 50,000 crores by strategically addressing their individual Cost Of Poor Quality (COPQ).
Suresh Lulla is a name to contend with in the field of quality management. We experienced his missionary zeal, when he actively mentored our Farm Equipment business to take on the challenges of a liberalised economy. Our national aspiration to take ‘Made In India’ global will succeed in large part due to Suresh Lulla and those who learned from him.
Bittu Sahgal
Founder, Sanctuary Nature Foundation
I have known and admired Suresh Lulla for over three decades now. He is quiet, effective, self-effacing and way, way ahead of his time. Apart from being a friend, he has in his own unique way, almost by osmosis, infused me with the “quality is key to success” dictum in both my personal and professional life. I am now applying his teachings to the conservation communications Sanctuary Nature Foundation puts out, founded on another of his incredible insights: “The ultimate customer is Mother Nature. If you do not keep that customer satisfied, there is nothing you do that you can consider to be a quality endeavour.
Vivek Talwar
Former Chief Culture Officer, Tata Power
What makes Suresh stand above any other thought leader on Quality and Excellence, that i have ever known or come across in my life, is his ability to take these complex and deeply layered subjects to their simplest level of understanding. This can only happen when the knowledge on Quality and Excellence is so deep and so refined, that it becomes innate wisdom.
Prof. Arvind Kudchadker
Former Dean, IIT-B SOM
Suresh as a person oozes Quality & Excellence. His life mission has been and is transformation of industry, India and abroad, other organizations into World Class Quality. His excellent implementation strategy and success have been recognized by all clients. Now, Government & Governance, Education at all levels, Healthcare, Agriculture, Climate Change, and Infrastructure are looking at you Suresh, assist them do the same.
Keki Mistry
Vice Chairman & CEO, HDFC Ltd.
Suresh Lulla is a pioneer in recognising the importance of quality management in Indian businesses. Qimpro has been instrumental in guiding organisations across industries to implement global benchmarks. The awards conferred by Qimpro are prestigious as they symbolise accomplishments in following best practices. Without doubt, Mr. Lulla and his firm are synonymous with quality and strong governance. I would like to congratulate him for becoming Chairman Emeritus of Qimpro Consultants. I wish him the very best!
K K Nohria
Former Chairman, Crompton Greaves Ltd.
My association with Suresh goes back 30 years. He started Qimpro Consultants in 1987 as an affiliate of Juran Institute. He wanted to see Indian companies become globally competitive and was certain that only the pursuit of quality initiatives as proposed by Dr J M Juan, would make it happen. Dr J M Juran had advised Suresh that if you wish to achieve your brand claim “Making Quality a Way of Life” in India, you must also focus on Education and Healthcare. Qimpro, was at that time, was the only consulting firm focusing on QUALITY alone. Suresh’s passion for quality, which was dear to me, attracted me to him. He convinced his clients that quality was not only FREE, but was infact a device to reduce your cost by eliminating the Cost Of Poor Quality. He has been instrumental in saving billions of rupees for so many Indian companies. Inspite of all his achievements he has maintained his humility and humane approach. The Indian industry will always remain indebted to Suresh. May God bless him.
Dr Tariq Al-Dowaisan
Senior Consultant, Global Lead Consultants
Of all the quality leaders I have come across, Suresh Lulla stands out unmatched. He has a unique way of seeing and expressing critical concepts of quality. The first time I listened to him, I was amazed that he was able to capture essential topics with just a few words. Thank you, my friend, you have had a profound impact on my career.
From the book: Design the Future (Chapter 15)
by Shrutin Shetty
Almost eight years ago, I was fortunate to have studied some aspects of quality and process improvement. It was thanks to the pioneer of quality in Indian industry (and probably India itself), Mr. Suresh Lulla, to whom I had gone to seek advice regarding adding quality related skill sets to my repertoire. Mr. Lulla truly epitomizes quality and is one of a rare breed of individuals I have privilege of knowing. A true genius. Despite decades of experience, few share his child like admiration for the new, and the ability to constantly review and improve every aspect of their work, as he does via Qimpro, India’s first dedicated quality management consultancy. And while India still has a long way to go regarding matching up with global standards in quality, the levels we currently have has much to owe to untiring efforts of the genius, Mr. Lulla.
Dr R A Mashelkar
National Research Professor, CSIR Bhatnagar Fellow and President, Global Research Alliance
I have observed with great admiration the evolution of Qimpro over the past two decades. What differentiates Qimpro is its singular passion for transforming Indian organizations, and their human resources, into world-class quality assets. Examples abound. In addition, I have personally experienced the transparent and robust processes Qimpro follows for recognizing individuals, teams, and organizations. I consider each of these three processes themselves emerging as `best practices’!
Problem Solving Rx
Would you like to halve your COPQ, without capital investment?
Turbocharging for PEx
Would you like to rate your organization infrastructure for Performance Excellence?
Intelligent Cost Reduction
Would you like to find out what’s hidden in your COPQ Iceberg?
Thinking Left + Right
Would you like to try Thinking Left & Right?
DIY PEx Self-Assessment
Would you like to try a dipstick assessment of your managerial practices?