Absence of Customer Dissatisfaction does not mean Customer Satisfaction!

The most actionable definition of Quality is ‘Fitness for Use’. Such Quality should result in more than Customer Satisfaction  …. something similar to Customer Ecstasy / Delight. It should earn a “WOW” from your customer!

Customer Delight happens when we offer the Right Product / Service Features to our Customer, Free From Deficiencies.

The former addresses Customer Satisfaction – Why Customers Come To You? And the latter addresses Customer Dissatisfaction – Why Customers Complain To You?

The former requires a “proactive mindset” with respect to the customer – You Go To The Customer; You present an offering that the customer is willing to vote for with his money. For the latter, you require a “reactive mindset” with respect to the customer – The Customer Connects with You; You resolve a complaint in the hope that the customer will forgive you and not turn rebellious.

As you will note Customer Satisfaction and Customer Dissatisfaction are two ends of the same pole. Therefore, the absence of Customer Dissatisfaction does not mean Customer Satisfaction.

1 thought on “Absence of Customer Dissatisfaction does not mean Customer Satisfaction!”

  • Dear Sir,
    Wonderful analogy and aptly put across the differences, have a question to take this further – nowadays people talk about “Customer Experience” how is this different from the above mentioned. Thanks.


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